After he came back,Jason whine and got on his knees.This time,Slade granted him.

One huge hand pressed onto the back of Jason's neck,keeping him there as Slade used his mouth to chase for his own pleasure.It was a touch that Jason knew intimately well at this point,*one that had also pressed bruises into his thighs and squeezed purple fingerprints upon the delicately skin of his throat.A touch that was both brutal and rough but never cruel,never malicious or unwanted.*

He relaxed into that touch,knowing that he wouldn't have been safer anywhere else.







提姆弯腰凑近了去看,发现那一小段监控只是堪堪捕捉到了一点。监控是上周才新安在蝙蝠牛的牛厩前面,本来是为了确保蝙蝠牛不再故意跳栅栏去糟蹋阿弗精心打理的花园。杰森跑在前面,只被监控捕捉到了一个额角,额头旁边的那撮白色头发肯定了他的身份。他身后还跟着另一个人,比杰森躲得更好没有露出脸或者身形,但他伸出的手臂被捕捉到了,像是想抓住杰森的样子,and oh,OH,提姆如何能不认出那只手臂?


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