
最终流放1 河汉 1136 字 7个月前

if you walk away|若是你将走远

i will follow you|我会跟着你

tryg y life|尽我一生

with your sacred gifts you gave to |携你递给我的神圣赠礼

i won't va|绝不浪费

and sueed it as your precio soul|如你珍贵灵魂一样绽放

holdg your hand|握住你的手

and i' walkg through the all of the world|我要走遍世界的每个角落

carryg your wish|执你所愿

like the ven the di sky|正如晨空托着那启明星

作者有话要说:<object width="150" height="50" align="iddle">



