

戚亦寒本来想要出去接的,但是沈玖柒却叫住了队员们,然后对他们说:“都站住!听着。”说着,指了指戚亦寒的手机。戚亦寒没有办法,看了看电话上面的备注之后,跟沈玖柒对了个口型。然后接起了电话:“hello, is this y good friend to?”(喂,是我的好朋友汤姆吗?)

只听电话那边说:“hello, y artner qi zong”(你好,我的合作伙伴戚总。)


“what can i do for you?”(请问您找我什么事情呢?)

“oh, nothg, jt to ask you, are you still workg your ublic security office?”(哦,没什么事情,就是想问问你,还在不在你们那边公安处工作啊?)

“workg here, why? thgs your untry don't see to belong to our ublic security bureau this way, do they?”(在这儿工作,怎么了?你们国那边的事情,好像不归我们这边儿的公安管吧?)

“oh, it's nothg jt wanted to see if you uld fd jessica”(哦,没什么事情。就是想看看你……能不能找到杰西卡?)

“who is jessica? i really don't know anyone nad jessica are you barkg u the wrong tree?”(杰西卡是谁?我认识的人当中还真没有人叫杰西卡这个名字的。你是不是找错人了?)

“jessica is a dy fro f city, whose chese na is diaond?”(杰西卡是个女士,f市人,中文名字……好像是叫……戴萌?)

“i don't know diaond either, to i' not lyg to you don't you know ? i jt don't know there's no need to lie to you but i'll be failiar with this guy then it sees that it's soone who has itted a cri recently are you lookg for her?”(戴萌这个人我也不认识,汤姆,我没骗你,我这人你还不知道吗,我不认识就是不认识,没有必要骗你。不过……这个人我听着到时挺耳熟的。好像是我们最近犯了事儿的人,您要找她啊?)

“she's what's wrong with you?”(她……在你们那边怎么了?)

“oh, it's nothg is give sobody else love rat surrogacy, and then you jt get to it our tea charge this way hasn't caught her yet!”(哦,没什么事啊。就是……给人家渣男代孕,然后自己就这么犯事儿了。我们这边儿的负责队还没有抓着她呢!)

“it's okay this is a friend of y friend he asked to hel hi fd out and by the arn the dy, don't be fooled by those eole”(没事,这就是我朋友的一个朋友,他让我帮他打听打听。也顺便警告那位女士,别被那些人给骗了。)

“yes, there is a great chance that little girls will be cheated now, and it is also easy to cheat then thank you for your ncern”(也是,现在小姑娘被骗的几率很大,而且也容易骗。那就……谢谢您的关心了。)


“is there anythg else you want? haven't hung u for so long? i have work to do!”(您还有什么事吗?这么久都不挂电话?我还有事呢!)